Cloud Art

Many ELT teachers are familiar with world clouds and have been using them in their teaching for the last few years (there are 1000s of mentions of it in ELT of you google it).  From ‘getting to know activities’ through to jumbled sentences and vocab revision. The word cloud has proven a versatile tool, and now teachers using Ipads will be pleased to see that the cloud art app brings word clouds to the tablet. 

Those of you familiar with with wordle will note that cloud art works in pretty much the same way. Clouds are made by either typing in words or directly from a url (like this one of the blog).

One advantage the app seems to have over web based clouds is that you get more flexibility with easy saving and sharing and a greater ability to customise the created cloud. This includes removing indvidual words, making words bigger and of course changing colours and fonts. 

One disadvantage it does have over web-based clourds is that is costs 69p. However I think the added features and ease of use are worth it.